“Aufgetischt” is a 45-minute documentary format and shows a sensitive approach to local communities, their inhabitants and their lives. As people describe their creative use of existing resources, a profound, distinctive and authentic portrait of their living space emerges. Outside of the usual clichés.
It is the sensations in the small that “Aufgetischt” follows with curiosity and sensitivity. Whatever happens, it can only happen here, and it creates an identity. The heartbeat of a region can be felt in the activities of the craftsmen, in the food of the producers, on the plates of the chefs and in the works of the artists.
Every person is unique and so are the landscapes. Discovering and being able to perceive this is the essence of “Aufgetischt”.
The selection is always personal and yet representative as a pars pro toto, the dramaturgy based on the course of a day, from dawn to noon, evening and night, gives the series a fixed framework. Lunch and dinner are fixed components of the film concept, and are extendible in every conceivable direction.
Director – Claudia Pöchlauer, Katharina Heigl, Thomas Knoglinger