Police commissioner Adolf Kottan and his bizarre team, the one-legged colleague Schremser and the dim-witted Inspector Schrammel, are on the trail of criminals, supported by Mrs. and Mama Kottan at home. Police Commissioner Pilch, meanwhile, is busy catching flies and pulling coffee out of a coffee machine hostile to him. They solve the cases more by chance on the side than by serious investigation, and devote the rest of their time to their favourite pastime: the amateur band. The crime series with its shabby Viennese suburban atmosphere is a hilarious satire on the police and Austrian society in general. One of the most successful TV series ever – with iconic status!
Peter Vogel – Major Adolf Kottan, episodes 1 and 2
Franz Buchrieser – Major Adolf Kottan, episodes 3, 4 and 5
Lukas Resetarits – Major Adolf Kottan, episodes 6 til 9
Walter Davy – Paul Schremser, Folgen 1 til 19
Curth Anatol Tichy – Assistant Alfred Schrammel, episodes 1 til 19
Harald von Koeppelle – Alfred Pilch, episodes 3 til 6
Kurt Weinzierl – Heribert Pilch, episodes 7 til 19
Bibiana Zeller – Ilse Kottan, episodes 2 til 19
Gusti Wolf – Mutter Kottan, episodes 8 til 19
Peter Patzak – Director