Code of ethics
Code of Ethics – Satel Film
The aim of this Code of Ethics is to clearly define the principles, values and policies that Satel Film cultivates internally with regard to its own corporate culture and requires externally in the context of its business activities. The Code of Ethics applies to all employees of Satel Film and is required in the cooperation with all contractual partners of Satel Film.
1. Responsiblity of managers
In addition to the general obligation to comply with applicable labour and social legislation, we actively fulfil our duty of care towards all employees. This includes setting an example with our own manners, which have an important preventive effect. We stand for transparent communication and easily comprehensible measures. Emotional behaviour is fine, but should be made understandable and comprehensible and must remain within the framework of respectful, professional behaviour. Hierarchies and dependencies are taken into account in every situation because they have a significant influence on the scope of action of those affected.
In accordance with the Equal Treatment Act, we undertake to take remedial action in the event of incidents of discrimination as soon as we become aware of them. Discrimination, harassment, exploitation and assault will not be tolerated by us and will be sanctioned in particular by labour law and disciplinary measures. A proven violation of the code of ethics constitutes a breach of contractual obligations and may lead to dismissal.
2. Respectful, professional behaviour
Respectful behaviour is the basis of all professional conduct. Let us actively contribute to creating a constructive and appreciative working atmosphere! We consider our choice of words and use language that is appropriate and adapted to the situation. An environment in which people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither productive nor creative. We also respect the privacy of staff on set and in the workplace.
Alcohol and drug use are not part of the workplace and reduce the inhibition threshold for inappropriate behaviour.
As a general rule, we clearly communicate our own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others. If someone asks us to stop doing something, we stop it and we stop it now.
3. Measures against bullying and discrimination
It is desirable to actively and continuously deal with forms of discrimination, harassment, mobbing and exclusionary behaviour, regardless of what has happened. The specific occurrence is to be actively counteracted. The opinions of others must be respected and must not become the target of personal attacks. Any form of harassment and exclusionary behaviour is not acceptable.
No one may be discriminated against, excluded, insulted, patronised or threatened with violence, in particular on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, origin, appearance, ethnic, cultural, religious or social affiliation, level of education, skin colour, age, size, marital status or political conviction (within the framework of the rule of law). This includes jokes, unintentional discrimination, sharing inappropriate, sexually explicit or violent content, especially via digital media, and unwanted sexual come-ons, seemingly random touching, showing sexual images and discussing the sexual behaviour of others.
Affected people have usually already tried to get out of discriminatory or other unpleasant situations themselves before they talk about it. We take their tips and stories very seriously and take into account that those affected usually take a high risk in revealing discrimination and disadvantages – especially hierarchical and dependency relationships must be included in such situations.
4. Not to stand by, but share responsibility
When we observe harassment, discrimination, disrespectful or bullying behaviour towards another person, we are obliged to act. It is quite normal to feel overwhelmed at first. We talk to the person concerned and do not walk over them and their needs. We proactively point out inappropriate behaviour of others and make it clear that we do not tolerate it.
If necessary or in case of danger, we get help immediately. We do not underestimate your effect as a passive bystander, because doing nothing is often interpreted as silent consent. Even in a situation that has already passed, we offer support to those affected, communicate the perception or confront those responsible or report them to the managers.
In the event of harassment, employees have the possibility of a counselling interview. The Equal Opportunities Officer of Satel Film is available for this purpose as well as for reporting violations. Any information and the identity of the whistleblower will of course be treated confidentially.
Contact Dr. Sonja Hofmann
Tel: 01 58872-206, Email:
find further counselling services:
#we_do! Contact and counselling centre: For all those working in the Austrian film and television industry. Information and counselling on discrimination and unequal treatment, abuse of power, sexual assault and violations in labour law, prevention & intervention.
VERA – Office against Harassment and Violence in the Arts, Culture and Sport can be reached at
Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft: Counselling and support for people who have experienced or observed discrimination, for relatives and companies, organisations and persons in positions of responsibility.
Arbeiterkammer: or all matters of labour law in the case of employment.
ZARA. Zivilcourage & Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit: Counselling centre against hate on the net and against racism.
Frauenhelpline gegen Gewalt: Women’s helpline against violence. Daily, 24 hours, in many languages, 0800 222 555
Männergesundheitsberatung: Men’s health counselling. Counselling for men and boys
Younion: Help and advice in emergency situations.